Profile: Jannie Cecilie Nyegaard

See Jannie Cecilie Nyegaards artwork here

Jannie Nyegaard; Autodidact artist, married and mother of 2 lovely kids.

I love to paint.
I have always been a creative girl and throughout my childhood I have spent an incredible amount of hours drawing and painting. I immersed myself in colors and motifs, and loved it.
When I was about 20 years old, it became more popular to paint on canvases, so I thought I would try that too. I bought some small canvases and paint and got going. The first paintings were kept in brown shades when I was 'scared' of all the colors.

Over time, more and more colors came into play, and I developed my own signature style with the owls. A very special technique in the background with all the colors of the rainbow and funny, quirky details, owls and life affirming quotes in the foreground.

I love painting my brightly colored paintings and it makes me so happy when people tell me that they can only get in a good mood when they look at my paintings. They create joy and positive thoughts. People can look at them and keep finding new details that are hiding.

I dream of painting full time and coming out all over the world with my paintings.

I have exhibited at many companies and stores in Denmark over the years. However, it has been a little quiet over the last few years due to my 2 small children who have taken all my time. But now I can feel the time is again to come to the workshop and create new beautiful works. My head is full of ideas and I look forward to getting it all out on the canvases and out to all you lovely people who dream of a unique painting for your particular home.


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